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Find your next IT job, directly with the client in record time with a quick, easy-to-use platform that recognises value and matches opportunities based on skills.
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I’m Hiring

Discover how to hire the best candidates with minimal cost and become fully inclusive in a few simple steps. Find, match and engage with candidates on demand.
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We’re different and proud of it

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Recruiters can drain hiring resources and struggle to properly understand candidates’ skills for IT jobs. Our AI recruitment platform implements best practice and removes the need for agencies.

Cheaper for hiring managers, no cost for candidates

We're committed to adding value, ensuring contractor rates stay with Contractors and Clients avoid costly Permanent fees.

Higher relevancy, better diversity

We are determined to serve hiring managers and candidates the most relevant matches at every stage of the process, on the only basis that matters, skills.
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Our Story
We saw a better way for clients to engage with IT professionals. So we changed it. Permanently.
The hiring process for tech jobs has remained unchanged for nearly twenty years. High contract margins and permanent fees, unconscious bias, ill-informed recruiters and constant time pressure created an unnecessarily complicated and stressful system for everyone involved. Making recruitment feel like a constant hamster wheel of rotating urgent priorities. Nobody had any time to fix it -- so we did.

We’ve moulded OnSkil to address these issues, allowing hiring managers to confidently identify talented candidates on the basis of skills and skills alone.
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Our Values

We are Brave

We work hard to create positive change and are committed to reducing costs and eliminating unconscious bias and providing a more flexible process.

We are Innovative

IT jobs, technology-led: we believe firmly in keeping things simple, efficient and secure, by using our world leading 3Bloc AI/ML matching technology.

We are Fair

Our inspired workflow is designed to inspire inclusivity, trustworthiness and transparency for candidates and hiring managers.

Diversity correlates with better financial performance

Companies with higher gender and ethnic diversity were 25% more likely to financially outperform the national industry median.
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22% of graduates are black & minority ethnic — but only 8% of executives are

We can do better — OnSkil is an effective tool to counter unconscious bias, helping your unique skill set remain at the centre of the discussion throughout the hiring process.
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The Research Says It All
The relationship between diversity and financial outperformance has strengthened over time.
Data shows time and again that organisations who hire diverse talent perform better than their counterparts. We’ve taken this research to heart, designing an AI recruitment tool that anonymises the process so candidates are assessed on the strength of their skills.

We are resolute in our mission to increase opportunities for candidates in tech, whatever their background, whilst supporting businesses to become more diverse and stronger for it.
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Get Started Today

Discover how to hire and get hired on skill with our unique AI recruitment tooling. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we’re making a difference in both IT contracting and permanent hiring.
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